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Friday, March 18, 2011

S2 Q9) Best bottom-up learning implementation. Or, at least, my most memorable one. (apologies to @LnDDave)

I pondered the answer to this question for a while because it's been some time since I did any real bottom-up learning, but I drew on one of my experiences in the Army Reserve as an example, and arguably the one I am most proud of although I won't lay claim to the original idea, only its implementation for some of my soldiers.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

You know it's been a productive day, when...

...when you realize your initial LrnBk Chat posts from the night before for Section two were really well-received (as the day starts)

...when you manage a course-correct with a client who was about to deliver some very disappointing e-learning to their customer and get them turned around in 90 minutes. (in the morning)

...when you find yourself unexpectedly in a sales discussion with two ex-Veeps from your former employer who sought you out to maybe build some solutions for them (over a long lunch, and you're not even in a sales role)
...when you really catch the attention of a "Big 4" client on a new e-learning pilot (in the late afternoon)

...when you look at the time and realize that you have no synapses left to fire to participate in the weekly #lrnchat.

That, dear reader(s), is a productive day.

(now if I could just turn off my buzzing brain....)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


There are times when I would really like to have the ability to make some posts private, like almost every other blog platform can do.

(and yes, I acknowledge the irony of private posts on a public blog, but...)

OK, rant over.  Moving on.  Nothing to see here.

Q7) "doing stuff " at work or "learning"? A longer post, just for @LnDDave.

When I read this question (which I mean to answer last week), I was reminded of an interview I had after getting out of my college Graphics Program about a million and a half years ago - long before I considered my part-time training work to be anything other than just that.

When the rather terse interviewer asked me what I expected out of the job, one of the things I said was that I wanted an opportunity to learn something.  His response was something along the lines of "oh, you're not here to learn. You should know everything you need already to get started."

Needless to say, I didn't get the job...and thank heavens for that.

With respect to Clive's statement, I (sorta) disagree, but let me first talk about the leaders.